Team Connect maps

Feature Rich Comprehensive Solution Available
Web, Mobile (iOS and Android Apps) and Desktop (Windows, Linux and MacOSX).
Maintain SA – Situational Awareness and COP – Common Operating Picture. This Requires Subscription to Either Software as Service for Live Tech Geospatial to Host this Offering or Self Hosting on-Premises or in the Cloud

Kit both microservices/API’s and web, desktop and mobile code ready for custom integrationsDeveloper friendly Software Development


Efficiently coordinate field activities with your team


Web Dashboard


Manage Assignments/Tasks/Resources

Streamline operations and workflow


Fill out Forms and sync to back-end systems (we support sharing data and sync to ESRI FeatureServer and PostGIS)

Our Features & Services

Team Collaboration Module

  • Share your Geolocation – PLI
  • View your Teamates locations (BFT) Tracking
  • Setup and manage Geofencing with alerts
  • Adanced messaging with sharing of photos, videos, audios, attachments
  • Data Sharing
  • Sync to Official TAK Server

Route all your visits

  • Batch Geocode and Reverse Geocode
  • Create Optimized Routes 
  • Advanced Navigation and Mapping

Ease of Use

We designed this for ease of use and improving the workflow and experiences of end users.

View Documents and Files

  • Integrated EPUB, PDF and Office File Viewer (offline or online)
  • Rich Text Editor/Notes
  • Web Pages inside the app
  • File Manager

✔ Powerful 2D/3D mapping app that is simple to use

✔ Fast & responsible map powered by Vector Tiles (base maps and overlays)

✔ Efficiently handle massive geospatial big data via GeoPackage Vector Features as dynamic raster tiles

✔ Tilt the map Visualize 3D Terrain & View 3D Buildings

✔ Rapidly connect to any ESRI or OGC Mapping Service or tile layer and build catalog JSON to share configuration with team.

✔ Digitize/Draw/Edit vector features – save as GeoJSON

✔ Data Collection forms with JSON schema and form designer

✔ Attribute Table/Grid with Search – local offline (GeoJSON, GPKG, SQLite)

✔Display 2.5D data from GeoJSON and Vector Tiles based on styling

Real-Time Feeds

  • ESRI StreamServer
  • ESRI FeatureServer
  • Network Link KML and Online KML
  • GeoRSS Feed
  • Online Stream of GeoJSON

Video Module


  • Video Widget – VIew Live Video Streams from RTSP and HSL feeds
  • Stream Live Video from Mobile app

Chat with your Documents and Files


  • Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and a Local Secure Large Language Model
  • Upload a PDF document and you can ask questions

Reports and Data Sync


  • Generate Reports
  • Sync data to back-end systems (AGOL/Portal for GIS Data and PostgreSQL/PostGIS and others)

Advanced Forms with Form Designer & Digitize/Draw Features and Edit Attributes (output GeoJSON):

Map Tools


🗸 Search – places, addresses

🗸 Advanced forms with form builder

🗸 Draw/Digitize Data Creation and Editing

🗸 Information Box for GeoJSON data

🗸 Measure linear and Area Distance

🗸 Geolocation & Coordinate Widget

🗸 Go to Lat Long Coordinates (Move the Map)

🗸 Placemarks (spatial bookmarks) with ability to import and export

🗸 View Spot Elevation

🗸 Comprehensive Marker Symbology for points and Display Military Symbology (App6/MilSpec2525C)

🗸 Display Location in MGRS – Military Grid Reference System & Global Area Reference System (GARS)

🗸 Radius Ruler/Range Rings & Bullseye

🗸 Coordinate Converter to/from many formats and Grids (MGRS & GARS)

🗸 Distance and Bearing Calculation


Robust Geospatial Content Management and Map Publishing and Data Distribution Back-end with available QGIS Desktop Plugin

Convert Data into different formats with the Vector conversion and Publishing API. Easily host geospatial data and load data into PostGIS database

Serve data from POSTGIS tables as:

  • Dynamic PBF Vector tiles with CQL Filtering
  • Dynamic PNG Raster Tiles with CQL Filtering
  • OGC API Features (HTML, JSON, GEOJSON) with CQL Filtering

Service Cached Map Tiles (Vector Tiles, Raster Tiles, Terrain-Elevation Tiles) from MBTILES and GPKG as:

  • XYZ, TMS and WMTS URL’s with ATAK compatible tile.xml

Serve Cloud Optimized Formats as URL’s

  • COG -Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF as dynamic XYZ Raster Tiles
  • FlatGeoBuf
  • GLB 3D Models

Serve static GIS FIles as URL (KML, GeoJSON)


In App → Advanced Messaging

WIFI Share


Range Rings

Military Symbology

Support for Offline Data:


Vector GIS Data Coordinates and Attributes/Properties

Simple Style Spec & Big Marker Symbol Library

In-App Vector Converter to convert other formats



  • Vector Tiles
  • Raster Tiles
  • Elevation/Terrain Tiles (Terrain-RGB & MapZen Terrarium)

OGC GPKG -GeoPackage

  • Raster Tiles (3857 only)
  • Vector Features as dynamic raster tiles with styling (4326 Only)
  • Vector Tiles (3857 only)
  • Elevation-Terrain Tiles (3857 only)
  • Standalone attribute tables
  • Coming soon support for styles inside GPKG

OpenMapTiles/MapTiler Data equivalent OSM vector tiles Styles/basemaps

MapBox Basemaps when connected to the internet


Support for Online Map Data:

🗸 Raster Tile Basemaps and Vector Tile Basemaps

🗸 Raster Tiles (XYZ )

🗸 PBF Vector Tiles with Stylesheet

🗸 Online Hosted GeoJSON

🗸  Dynamic and Cached online Mapping Services

(ESRI MapServer, FeatureServer, ImageServer, VectorTileServer and OGC WMS, OGC WFS,OGC WMTS and OGC API Features)