Companion App to TAK

Map Data Explorer iOS and Android is the perfect companion app

for iTAK, ATAK, and others apps on the same device.

More flexible downloading and in more open format MBTILES

Download any online mapping services and tile layer data (dynamic and cached mapping services ESRI and OGC)


Download Tech Maven Geospatial curated custom content/data – Pre-staged ready to download and Custom Area of Interest


Pre-Staged Data Downloading


Easily Load the XML file you currently use in ATAK/WINTAK to configure tile download.

Serves geospatial map data to these other apps – easy to configure –  Delivers /ATAK endpoint with zip file for importing with Tile.xml for each tile layer.

Deliver files via local on-device IP address (KMZ/KML, GPX, CSV, OBJ, ZIP, 3TZ and other files)

Endpoints to discover the data /discover both tiles and files and machine-readable JSON /services for tiles and /file_list for files

Enables searching on local data (GPKG Vector Features and GeoJSON) with advanced KNN Nearest Search and RTREE Spatial Index and includes attribute grid/table


Other things of importance are desktop apps (Windows and Linux) for Geospatial Data Serving and Edge Data Distribution

Convert WinTAK/ATAK .SQLite map tiles (OSMDROID) files into MBTILES or GPKG with TILE UTILITIES app also clips an area of interest